
blondontherun | ✈️ Runway

✈️ Runway: The Imposter Syndrome Asylum

Published 19 days agoΒ β€’Β 3 min read

✈️ Runway

May 1st

The Imposter Syndrome Asylum


Welcome aboard Runway, your weekly compass for navigating career transitions with confidence. Did someone forward this to you? Don't miss outβ€” subscribe here.

Runway Rundown:

  • The Imposter Syndrome Asylum
  • Insights for overcoming self-doubt
  • Getting out of your head


✈️ My Runway

Last week, some of you sent in fantastic questions about all things career, and let me tell you, I absolutely love diving into your inquiries. So, keep 'em coming, folks!

This week, we're tackling a question from Ashley S. that hits close to home for many of us: "How do I maintain confidence during a career transition when faced with self-doubt?"

Now, when I say we've all been there at some point, I'm not exaggerating. I vividly recall my own plunge into uncertainty during a major industry career transition. Let me tell you, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. It felt more like a rough welcome to the Imposter Syndrome Asylum, where whispers of doubt echo through the halls, and self-confidence is put to the ultimate test.

Picture it: navigating a mental battleground where our sense of belonging is constantly under siege. It's enough to make you feel like you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me. Sound familiar?

​In my recent 1:1 sessions, we've been diving deep into strategies for breaking free from the imposter syndrome loop. Let's delve into a few instances where imposter syndrome and self-doubt have been rearing their ugly heads:

πŸ’‘ Instances of Imposter Syndrome and Strategies for Overcoming Them:

  • Starting a New Job: Feeling like you don't belong or questioning your qualifications is common when stepping into a new role. Combat imposter syndrome by setting realistic expectations for yourself, seeking out mentors or peers for guidance, and focusing on small wins to build momentum.
  • Leaving a Toxic Workplace: Exiting a toxic environment can leave scars that imposter syndrome likes to exploit. Reclaim your confidence by reframing negative experiences as learning opportunities, surrounding yourself with supportive individuals who uplift you, and practicing self-care to rebuild your emotional resilience.
  • Making a Pivot: Whether shifting roles or industries, imposter syndrome may intensify as you venture into unfamiliar territory. Counteract self-doubt by reframing challenges as opportunities for growth, investing in continuous learning to bolster your skills, and celebrating your progress along the way.
  • Bouncing Back After Being Let Go: Getting let go from a job can be a challenging experience that shakes your confidence to the core. Remember that being let go doesn't define your worth. Take time to process your emotions, reach out to your network for support, and leverage this as an opportunity to reassess your career goals and pursue new opportunities that align with your values and passions.

✈️ Your Runway
So, if you find yourself grappling with imposter syndrome in any of these scenarios, fear not. Here are some powerful tools to help you navigate through the fog of self-doubt:

  1. Embrace Your Strengths: Reflect on your unique skills and accomplishments. Make a list of your strengths and make it a habit to revisit them regularly. By acknowledging your strengths, you'll reinforce your confidence and belief in yourself.
  2. Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, or community members who can provide encouragement and perspective when imposter syndrome rears its head. Having a supportive community can offer valuable reassurance during moments of doubt.
  3. Take Strategic Action: Break down your career transition objectives into bite-sized steps and commit to taking consistent action. Every small achievement along the way will serve as a confidence boost and propel you forward toward your goals.

✈️ Getting on the Same Flight

If this hit home, you might want to download my free Career Pivot Guide for actionable strategies and other value alignment exercises and tips. You can also use code RUNWAY for 25% off 1:1s until May 31st. Or join the Runway community waitlist for biweekly office hours. We got options, yo.


πŸͺ‚ Where to Next?

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into navigating the highs and lows of career transitions. Have a burning career question or topic suggestion? Reply with it!​

Don't let imposter syndrome ground your aspirations. Share this newsletter with a friend who could use a confidence boost in their career journey this week!

Thanks for reading!

I appreciate you so much.


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blondontherun | ✈️ Runway

Brand Builder & Creator | I help people pivot, quit, or pause their careers πŸ”€ | 3X Industries Pivoted | 2X Founder | Consultant & Fractional CMO | Web3 Author, Investor & Expert | Follow πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ @blondontherun

I help people pivot, quit, or pause their careers πŸ”€ Explore topics like career pivots, self-discovery, and professional growth, and gain valuable insights on overcoming challenges, setting goals, and finding balance on the path to purposeful living. Whether you're navigating a job search, exploring entrepreneurship, or considering a sabbatical, this newsletter offers practical tips, inspiring stories, and expert advice to help you thrive in your career journey. Build your successful career runway, one newsletter at a time!

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