
blondontherun | ✈️ Runway

✈️ Runway: Building Your Personal Advisory Board

Published 12 days ago • 3 min read


May 8th

i'm assembling a team

Welcome aboard Runway, your weekly compass for navigating career transitions with confidence. Did someone forward this to you? Don't miss out— subscribe here.

Today, we're diving into the transformative power of mentorship and how building your personal advisory board can be the secret sauce to your success.

🚀 Runway Rundown:

  • Unlocking the Power of Mentorship
  • Meet Your Dream Team of Mentors
  • Crafting Your Personal Advisory Board

✈️ My Run

Reflecting on my career journey and the various businesses and projects I've undertaken over the years, I came to a profound realization last week: my network is the most powerful and valuable asset I've cultivated.

This epiphany was reinforced when I shared a reflective post on Instagram, igniting a flood of DMs. And just as I was musing over the significance of connections, Mark D. posed a thought-provoking question during our recent one-on-one session: "How can I harness mentorship to navigate career transitions?"

Ever dreamt of having a seasoned squad to navigate your career journey? Well, surprise! You might already know them.

Let's explore the idea of crafting your personal advisory board— a dream team of mentors ready to elevate your career trajectory.

💡 i’m assembling a team

My one big takeaway here is the significance of diversity in your personal advisory board. It's absolutely crucial. Each character type isn't just a role; they're like different instruments in an orchestra, each contributing a unique sound to the symphony of your career journey.

Here's how I like to break down the dream team:

First up, meet The Sage. This wise owl brings years of industry experience to the table, offering invaluable insights and counsel honed through their own career transitions.

Next, we've got The Cheerleader. Picture your biggest fan, always rooting for you, pumping you up, and celebrating your victories— big or small.

Then there's The Challenger. This one's all about pushing boundaries, nudging you out of your comfort zone, and helping you grow by challenging your assumptions.

Last but not least, say hello to The Connector. With a vast network and a knack for opening doors, this maestro of networking can introduce you to game-changers and provide access to golden opportunities.

By curating your personal advisory board with these diverse qualities in mind, you'll have a powerhouse support system to conquer career transitions like a pro.

So how do you build it?

✈️ Your Run

Curating your personal advisory board isn't just about ticking boxes— it's a dynamic journey of growth and connection.

Here's my roadmap to help you prepare for assembly:

Understand the Importance of Diversity

Before we dive into the practical steps of assembling your dream team of mentors, let's first recognize why diversity in your advisory board is crucial. Each character type brings unique perspectives and strengths to the table, creating a balanced and multifaceted support system that caters to your diverse needs.

Get Started

Take a moment to pause and reflect deeply on your career journey. Consider the victories, the hurdles, and the aspirations that fuel your drive. What expertise, guidance, and support do you find yourself yearning for as you navigate this path? Jot down your thoughts to clarify your needs.

Cast the Net

Expand your horizons beyond your usual circles. Seek out potential mentors from diverse backgrounds and industries. Whether they're colleagues, industry leaders, or individuals whose work inspires you from afar, don't hesitate to reach out.

Build Genuine Bonds

Approach potential mentors with sincerity and authenticity. Cultivate connections rooted in shared goals and mutual respect. These genuine bonds form the bedrock of enduring relationships that will enrich your journey.

Make the Ask

Once you've identified potential mentors and cultivated genuine bonds, it's time to make the ask. Approach the conversation with sincerity and clarity, articulating why you admire their expertise and how their guidance could positively impact your journey. Be specific about what you hope to gain from the mentorship and how you envision the relationship unfolding. Remember, most people are flattered to be asked for their advice and eager to support others on their path to success.

Embrace Vulnerability

In the realm of mentorship, vulnerability is not a sign of weakness but a testament to strength. Trust your mentors enough to reveal your true self, fears and all. Remember, they're here to support and uplift you, not judge you.

Enjoy the Ride

Building your advisory board is more than just a checklist— it's an adventure. Embrace every twist and turn, knowing that each step forward brings you closer to realizing your goals and aspirations.

Give Thanks + Give Back

Show gratitude to your mentors for their invaluable guidance and support. And whenever possible, seize opportunities to pay it forward by supporting others on their own journeys.

✈️ Getting on the Same Flight

Ready to take the next step in your career journey? Use code RUNWAY for 25% off 1:1s until May 31st or join the Runway community waitlist for biweekly office hours. Need a little extra guidance? Download my free Career Pivot Guide for actionable strategies and other value alignment exercises and tips.

🪂 Where to Next?

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into navigating the highs and lows of career transitions. Have a burning question or topic suggestion? Reply with it! Always love hearing from you.

And please share this newsletter with a friend who could use help building their advisory board this week.

Thanks for reading!

I appreciate you so much.


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blondontherun | ✈️ Runway

Brand Builder & Creator | I help people pivot, quit, or pause their careers 🔀 | 3X Industries Pivoted | 2X Founder | Consultant & Fractional CMO | Web3 Author, Investor & Expert | Follow 🏃‍♀️ @blondontherun

I help people pivot, quit, or pause their careers 🔀 Explore topics like career pivots, self-discovery, and professional growth, and gain valuable insights on overcoming challenges, setting goals, and finding balance on the path to purposeful living. Whether you're navigating a job search, exploring entrepreneurship, or considering a sabbatical, this newsletter offers practical tips, inspiring stories, and expert advice to help you thrive in your career journey. Build your successful career runway, one newsletter at a time!

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